How long does it take to drive from Boston to New York City?
2005-11-15 17:15:41 UTC
How long does it take to drive from Boston to New York City?
Nine answers:
2005-11-17 08:45:19 UTC
Definitely do NOT take I-95 to going from Boston to New York. I-90 is much more direct, though it goes through less Havens in Connecticut. :) Length of the drive averages about 4 hours from/to a place in each city.
2016-12-26 12:36:51 UTC
New York To Boston Drive
2015-08-06 10:38:05 UTC
This Site Might Help You.
How long does it take to drive from Boston to New York City?
2016-12-20 08:39:40 UTC
Boston has a rich history and a diverse neighbourhood; it has a heritage of arts, culture, and education; Boston has anything for anyone so discover what Boston may offer you with hotelbye . The three-mile Freedom Trail leads you past - and into - 16 of the city's key historic monuments and sites. It's easy to follow along with, by the type of red stones in the pavement and by footprints at road crossings. The trail can take you to Old Granary Burying Ground where Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and John Hancock are buried; will take you to King's Chapel Burying Ground, the Boston's oldest cemetery; Old South Meeting House where in actuality the ringing speeches of patriots spawned the Boston Tea Party and the Old State House, Boston's oldest community developing and the website of the Boston Massacre.
2016-03-22 17:52:34 UTC
5 hour drive. Did it many times, two sons in Boston University.
2005-11-16 08:54:13 UTC
depends on where in each city but 3.5-4 hours is a good estimate.
2014-05-11 14:45:06 UTC
i think it takes 4 in a half hours
2016-12-19 02:43:52 UTC
Boston es una ciudad que nos enamora hasta el nivel de querer vivir en ella, es una ciudad que fascina con su ritmo, con la amabilidad de su gente y con el perfecto tamaño de la ciudad Si quieres conocer esta ciudad entonces tienes una pequeña ayuda aquí para planificar tu ocio soñada. En Boston hay muchos sitios interesantes por ver y uno de ellos es el Museo del té. En la noche del 16 de diciembre de 1773, la noche previa a la Revolución Americana, los colonos americanos tiraron por la borde toda la mercancía de té, en señal de protesta contra los británicos y por esto, el Museo de Té no es solo un barco en forma de museo, si no que todavía una forma interactiva de ilustrarse sobre ese momento. Boston es una ciudad con muchos museos interesantes y una ciudad que merece la pena visitarla.